From the famous "passe trappe" to the weykick game, our wooden games rental will give you nothing but funny moments and surprises. For a party, a christmas tree, a birthday, a weding, for a seminary or a birthday party, the wooden games are available at any moment. Shuffleboard, frog game, indian pool, stick games, etc. Surprise yourself with this magical universe that never gets old. 

You can pick up the wooden games during the day or we can deliver it in Lyon or in the Rhône Alpes region.

The giant games that we offer are made in France by experienced craftsmen. These are traditional and playful games. You can play them alone or up to 6 players, and you can use it inside or outside. 

Les atouts


  • 20 ans d’expérience dans la région
  • Créateur de tous vos évènements
  • Réservez votre date et horaire directement sur le site

Paiement sécurisé

Paiement par carte bancaire

Des Experts à votre service

disponibilité par téléphone

activités 100% sensationnelles